6 Easy Ways for Diabetes Check-Up at Home & Hospital - Dr. Madhu Saini

diabetes check up at home

6 Easy Ways for Diabetes Check-Up at Home & Hospital

India is home to the 2nd largest population with 1.35 billion people out of which 77 million people are diagnosed with diabetes. It’s obvious that every one out of 6 diabetes patients in the world is from India. China leads the list with over 116 million people. 

It’s obvious in India that people are not aware of the severity caused by diabetes. People must consider the importance of regular diabetes checkups in India says “Dr. Madhu Saini(Consultant Physician in Hisar, Haryana)”.

She also adds that there are some diabetes check-ups that can easily be performed at home with ease. You can also visit the nearest hospital for a diabetes check-up in Hisar.

Diabetes check-ups can be performed weekly, monthly, or annually depending on the level. At home do the following:

  1. Control glucose levels
  2. Maintain healthy weight
  3. Proper foot care
  4. By keeping a diary

Check-ups of diabetes make a healthy difference in diabetes treatment, plus it helps healthcare professionals in Hisar says “Dr. Madhu Saini”.

 A man perform diabetes check-ups in Hisar

How to perform diabetes check-ups on your own?

Diabetes check-ups for children are a special subject to perform carefully. Parents and children can be easily taught at Dr. Madhu Saini’s clinic so they can carry out check-ups on their own. 

However, Its recommended that in the case of newly diagnosed diabetes you should, On the other hand, adults can also perform tests after learning the whole process.

So, if you often go for a diabetes test to any lab here is the guide for you on how to test diabetes at home.

To perform diabetes check-ups at home you will need a device called Glucometer. 

Follow the below instructions to measure your blood sugar:

  1. Wash your hands properly & dry them.
  2. Insert the test strip into your meter. 
  3. Place the device needle on any finger and collect the blood by squeezing it.
  4. Drop the blood in the particular field in the glucometer to start the process.
  5. The meter will display the blood sugar test readings on the screen in a few seconds.

If you are not interested in doing a diabetes check-up on your own then there are several blood sugar tests available at hospitals or at labs in Hisar.

There are three types of tests– type 1, type 2, and prediabetes.

A1C Test – Glycated hemoglobin:

A1C Test doesn’t require you to fast and indicates your average blood sugar for the past three months. This test measures the total blood sugar attached to your hemoglobin and the oxygen-carrying protein to the red blood cells.

The more the blood sugar, the more the hemoglobin attacked to the sugar.

  1. A1C level around 6.5 or more indicates you have diabetes.
  2. between 5.7 and 6.6 indicates you are a prediabetic.
  3. A1C level under 5.7 is considered to be normal.

Pregnancy and an uncommon form of hemoglobin can affect the tests in this technique.

2.  Random Blood Sugar:

As the name suggests, when a blood sample is taken at a random time; no matter what you ate and when you ate… it changes your blood sugar levels to a random number.

3. Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) test:

A lot of people in Hisar are confused about how to get their fasting blood sugar test done. Dr. Madhu Saini says one needs to fast overnight (at least 8 to 12 hours) to get their fasting blood sugar tested the next morning. While:

  • 100 mg/dL is normal, 
  • between 100 – 125 mg/dL is considered prediabetic 
  • and if it’s higher than 126 mg/dL

in two separate tests, you have diabetes or not.

Postprandial glucose: 

The blood sample for this test is taken around 2 hours after breakfast. But because different people eat different breakfast and some even tweak their meal thinking that it might bring better results.

Breakfast is now replaced with 75 grams of glucose to maintain the intake. The basic purpose of the test is to check how your body handles glucose, plus a value of more than 140 mg/dL is abnormal.

When you go for this test, it’s recommended by the best physician in Hisar that you choose to eat breakfast, have what you eat on a regular basis, and do not change your meal.

Oral Glucose tolerance test:

There are actually two ways to get this test done. At first, you have to fast overnight and then the fasting blood sugar is measured the next morning. Not directly, you will be asked to drink a surgery drink in the morning and after that, your sugar levels will get tested within 2 hours. 

If Type 1 gets detected then you will also be asked to provide a  sample of urine. This urine test will check for a by-product that is produced in the body muscle and fat tissues come together to produce energy. This energy is used when the body has less insulin to use available glucose.

Gestational diabetes:

Dr. Madhu Saini says that Gestational diabetes is one of the risky condition conditions. It’s possible that you will get introduced to this as a woman at the pregnancy time, or you had this from your mother, father, siblings, or child.

She suggests getting tested for Gestational diabetes while going for diabetes check-ups in any lab or hospital.

In the lab, you will be asked to drink a syrupy glucose solution and then after 1 hour later you will be checked up for diabetes.


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